Henry Delgado



Delivering Results in Multiple Geographies

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About Me


I am a passionate Finance/Economics and Operational Excellence expert with Multi-cultural and Multi-lingual capability (English, Spanish and Portuguese).

I strive to help corporations maximize their potential value and realize their vision by properly addressing issues on internal operational excellence, disciplined and strategic capital allocation, spotless project delivery as well as visionary M&A efforts when applicable.

I have Been a key value-adding-resource for several large corporations in Energy up and downstream, Utilities, Banking, Telecom, Chemicals and Nutritional animal supplements; has been a true growing and humbling experience during my last 20+ years

On a more personal note, my interests lie towards traveling, biographies reading, motorcycle touring, as well as watching and playing soccer. My birth country is Venezuela, and I am a naturalized American since 2015. I am the youngest of 6 siblings, married for 25+ years with my lovely wife Maria and proud father of my bright son Luis


Seasoned business development and finance professional with 15+ years’ experience developing long range plans and strategy for energy sector companies. Proficient in creation and execution of integrated asset / portfolio management plans to fuel growth in capital intensive businesses and maximize shareholder value. Proven consultative approach to shape vision, drive change and achieve bottom line results.

Key Strengths

• Portfolio & Asset Management • Risk Management • Business Planning & Forecast • Strategic Planning
• Business/Competitive Intelligence • Budget Management • Finance/Economic Modeling • Operational efficiency consulting
• Market & Trend analysis • Value Management • SWOT Actionable Analysis • Talent Coaching, Developing, and Mentoring
• Supply Chain optimization • Change Management • Demand Planning & Scheduling • Professional PMO

Immediate Value Added Potential

Strategy/Performance Management Project Management Operational Excellence
Mastered to design, adapt and implement E&P tools and processes encompassing Strategy, long-range planning, portfolio management, annual planning /capital allocation, performance measurement. Highly capable of improving discipline, coordination and communication of teams to drive improved project execution, results visibility and accountability management. Potential to improve E&P projects cost, time and quality Experienced in streamlining standard operational processes execution across the E&P asset life cycle, to drive continuous improvement and efficiency by effective knowledge management and benchmarking


Budget Management

Value Management

Change Management

SWOT Actionable Analysis

Finance & Strategic Planning

Portfolio & Asset Performance Management

Finance/Economic Modeling

Operational Excellence

Business & CI Intelligence

Supply Chain optimization

Professional PMO

Coaching, Mentoring and Talent Development


Universidad Central de Venezuela

Bachelors of Business Management - 1989

Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela

MBA - TP – Finance - 1994

• Professor | School of Finance Management – Universidad Jose Maria Vargas, Caracas-Venezuela
• Multicultural & Multilingual (Spanish, English, Portuguese)


Excel & VBA Macros advanced

Scrum Master

Six Sigma Green Belt

Executive Competitive Intelligence

Microsoft Projects 2016 Ultimate User

Tableau and Spotfire


Deloitte Consulting

Houston, TX

Led functional tailored Anaplan design and implementation geared to centralize, streamline and automate the Plan, Forecast, Budget and Strategy process of the Petroleum business for one of the leading global energy corporations – Global Capex scope $ 5+ Bln.

Deloitte Consulting

Budapest, Hungary

PMO for delivery and benefit value tracking on Global Legal CCOE Project. Centralization and streamlining of Global legal services function for a global leading pharma corporation. Estimated 10yr savings delivered $ 15+ mln.

Audere Partners

Wilmington, NC

Project: Elementis Chromium Chemicals

Designed, Installed, and coached Daily/Weekly Management System and Tools to gain operations performance visibility, foster raw materials and energy efficiencies / Created Asset utilization model to optimize OEE and Energy intensity. Generated savings: $ 1.5 mln/yr.

Audere Partners

Houston, TX

New Business Pipeline Building

Analysis and Business Development function support by executing value adding focused Operations audits on Energy and Utilities Customers.

Audere Partners

Midland, TX

Project: Drilling Optimization and Management System – Endeavor Energy Resources

Designed and Implemented a holistic Management System Loop for Drilling Function from planning all the way through reporting, including Forecast and execution. The scope included Processes redesign, Management Tools and Behavioral impact. The resulting savings exceeded $ 20 mln on an annual base on a 10 Rig fleet ~ $400 mln/year Drilling Capex.


Premium & Consumer Marketing Manager Latam | Houston, TX

• ­Strategic role in accelerating the Premium Lubes and Greases products consumption mix in the Latin American cluster markets through the Macro-Distributors program.

Andino Chemical

Independent Market/Strategy Consultant | Houston, TX

Houston-TX USA, DF/Veracruz, Mexico – Contractors Market Analysis – E&P Market opening Mexico

• ­Provided actionable competitive Intel by gauging existing and expected service contractors for the Development and Production activities of international operators after the market opening. Particular focus on Fracking and Stimulation fluids needs.

Advisian (previously MTG Consulting)

Project Manager O&G (Williams) | USA

• Midstream post-merge integration program with senior executive level to bolster the combined enterprise value. Facilitated the transition to a single convergent design, project development, engineering and construction philosophy as well as Operational principles for the Gathering and Compression network. Estimated benefits beyond $ 100 mln – Market Cap $ 42 bln – 6.8 k Employees.

Hitachi-Celerant Consulting

Operations Delivery Director

DSM Tortuga – Sao Paulo, Brazil - Supply Chain and Factory efficiency project (PMO)

­ • Integrated business case to provide $ 8.5 mln savings via Distribution - warehouse rationalization and Procurement professionalization.
• PMO for an Organizational efficiency / Plant management system project scoped to provide US$ 2 mln savings.

Ecopetrol – Bogota, Colombia–Castilla Project Field development plan (Work stream lead) optimization business case

­ • Integrated business case to provide $ 140 mln savings in field development plan execution by accelerating facilities completion, optimizing well selection and work overs campaign, and streamlining drilling program.

Occidental Petroleum VPC - Bakersfield–CA, USA–(Work stream lead) Capital efficiency tools and systems implemented:

­ • Integrated planning ‘check point’ gates system to assure wells readiness for drilling commitment - multidisciplinary structured meetings. More than $ 5 MM in non-productive rig days avoided (NPRD).
• Multi-dimensional Portfolio management tool to scenario plan and optimize capital deployment options based on associated benefits and upside potential. $ 700 mln annual Capex portfolio.

Kosmos Energy

Senior Commercial Advisor | Dallas, TX

• Masterminded an E&P ranking tool to competitively assess and prioritize E&P lease opportunities within a $5 billion portfolio. Ranked the portfolio on value, risk and overall fiscal attractiveness. Coordinated with internal stakeholders short and long-term business development strategies based on optimized opportunity screening models, processes and value management insights.
• Led negotiations on EG deep-water blocks – an open invitation to bid for exploring rights on 6 offshore blocks on a non-operated consortium; determined that fiscal terms did not meet company capital return thresholds, negotiated JV exit which avoided non-profitable $50mln Exploration Capital expenditure.

Shell Exploration

Houston, TX

Global Strategy & Portfolio Advisor | 05/2009 – 02/2012

­ • Identified $1 bln in exploration assets candidates for divestment to fund an Ad-Hoc strategic acquisition opportunity. Created a model to illustrate best and worst-case scenarios by running sensitivities/stochastic analysis on key variables to demonstrate value regrets. The study was instrumental in selecting the assets on the lower end of the creaming curve to dispose them and partially fund the acquisition.
• Created a model to present the Global Shell exploration assets set ($30 bln) in a portfolio decision making tool. This tool allowed Shell Exploration to make key venture decisions six months earlier in the global capital allocation.

Americas Regional Economist/Planner | 01/2006 – 05/2009

­ • Advised Americas Exploration management on key bids for Gulf of Mexico blocks; worked closely with Reservoir and Facilities engineers in creating a quick and nimble analogue driven tool to rank and screen on a first cut the best candidates. The total capital exposed of the screened portfolio exceeded $1 bln.
• Designed the Global Exploration Balanced Scorecard. Conducted a series of discussions and workshops with key exploration and finance executives in order to build consensus and alignment around the value drivers of the business. Delivered a monthly dashboard type report later on adopted in Global Shell Exploration. ($5 bln Exploration Capital expenditure/yr. in 35 countries).


Caracas, Venezuela

New Business & Competitive Intelligence Advisor | 05/2004 – 01/2006

­ • Launched Latin America sub-region macroeconomic alert system across Shell businesses in the region; successfully standardized across countries the tool to capture key changes in macroeconomic variables with major implications in the Shell business. Enabled Shell to make key hedge and divestment decisions by providing a tool which flagged early adverse signs of inflation/capital controls/devaluations. Value invested in the region was $3 bln.
• Created a “war-gaming” scenario exercise to proactively track competitors and anticipate moves implying threats or opportunities for Shell Venezuela. This visual map depicted top 10 operators’ businesses, showing their current properties, key engagements with PDVSA, tactics and new business being pursued. This exercise was instrumental to focus new business strategy on quarterly reviews with the Country coordination team. Successfully identified 3 farm-in opportunities valued in excess of $2 bln.

Head of Management Information | 03/2001 – 05/2004

­ • Integrated the Financial and Economics excel models in a single tool for E&P in Venezuela for a PSC-3rd round approximately $1 bln investment. By joining together both models allowed the company to have a more robust forecasting tool and a more accurate model to screen economics of new Capex projects due to the strong dependencies of revenues with the cumulative capital amortization.
• Coordinated country level Opex/Capex quarterly challenge sessions with the upstream budget holders –total combined budget of $75mln per year. These sessions were held to scrutinize throughout the year the actual and forecasted expenditure versus the activities and projects execution, in order to contain overage and proactively drive down costs. Captured approximately $4mln in savings per year.


Head of B2B Customer Service | Caracas, Venezuela

• Released ca. $25mln in working capital by decreasing outstanding receivables equivalent to 15 days of sales (22%). This was accomplished by implementing policies and management controls to reduce due and overdue receivables, accelerating customer claims with better systems and tools, and making better and faster credit clearance for new accounts.
• Contributed in a task force scope to select, procure, negotiate and implement new $150 mln invoicing-traffic and customer management tool which strengthened the customer care and invoicing systems.

ExxonMobil Downstream

Head of Planning / Supply Chain Manager | Caracas, Venezuela

• As the chief economist evaluated the entry into the fuels market in Venezuela, assessed the potential value and strategic fit with existing lubes business, identified key risks, recommended mitigation tactics, and successfully justified the $200 mln investment. The entry achieved the highest throughput per station amongst all the competitors present in Venezuela.
• Optimized fuels and lubes supply chain with a number of rationalizations and created annual savings of $750 k through negotiated strategic alliances and outsourced deals with key transport and warehousing suppliers. This allowed the company to take a more aggressive position in re-stocking, minimize inventories and transfer some of the costs to the customer.


Contact Info

Houston, TX

(832) 643-9674


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